Can I Use Starbond Accelerator (Activator) on Other CA Brands?

Our CA glue accelerator is also specially formulated to prevent whitening or "hazing" of bonding surfaces. "Hazing" occurs when CA glues dry before they have fully outgassed. To prevent this effect, our CA accelerators are designed to dry slower than other accelerators on the market. You'll be pleased to know that our acetone based accelerator will work just as well with other CA glue brands.
Pro tip
With acetone as a main component in our accelerator, too much accelerant will actually dissolve CA glue rather than help it cure. It is therefore necessary to spray no more than 2-3 spritz of accelerant per application of CA glue. The ideal application of CA is a drop per square inch for bonding surfaces, and a layer .25mm when filling knots.

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