How CA Glue is Used for Coral Fragging

Corals can transform your plain tank into a beautiful home for your fish. In addition your tank will be a great decorative piece which will have you and your guest admiring it all the time.

How CA Glue is Used for Coral Fragging

It is not in dispute that CA glue is a strong adhesive for fragging corals, this is due to various inherent strengths. But while fragging itself might be frightening to newcomers it is also important to realize that using CA glue, or indeed glue in general, is probably the easiest part to it, in this article we’ll take you through just what fragging is and just how CA glue fits in to it.

reef tank

Where Does CA Glue Come in and How to Use it?

CA glue and coral fragging have a relationship. This is best exemplified during the mounting phase where the coral fragments are placed all over the tank. During this phase, it is important to remember that though they are able to withstand fragging, coral is still very fragile. Therefore CA glue is the best option to use in your reef aquarium because you can use it to instantly mount the fragments without having to take them from the water.

This is due to the amphibious drying ability of the CA glue, able to form an instant bond in and out of water. In addition, the fact that Cyanoacrylate glue is nontoxic is great for both your coral and for the fish that may eventually populate your tank. Not to mention the fact that CA glue is exceptionally strong, giving your future colonies a solid base.

Now that that we’ve gone over the advantages and properties of CA glue there are few steps to using it on the coral in your reef tank when fragging. The first is to clean any surfaces that you may be mounting your fragments on as to best give your glue a bonding platform. The second is to add a small amount of glue to both the coral and the surface it will be going on to. Some brands may be a bottle that you squish while others may be a brush.

By applying glue to both surfaces this will help to create the strongest bond. You must make sure though that it is a CA glue gel as otherwise the liquid glue will mix with the water. An important note since, as we stated, you should only ever keep the coral and glue in the water of the aquarium.

Why Use a Glue During Fragging?

Using an adhesive during fragging helps to not only order where your corals go but also gives your colonies a place of support. This is why the inherent strength of the instant glue is so important. More toxic or longer drying glues will lead to times where coral are not in their proper place or possibly poisoned.

While CA glues give the best of all worlds when they have been properly selected for the tasks, and though they are indisputably handy in fragging it is important to remember that glues in general are important. Attaching corals together or to any surface can be accomplished using most underwater adhesives, and while you could not use any it would result in a rather plain atmosphere. This is why using an adhesive during mounting is so important to the look of your reef tank.

Is it Safe?

Through the power of nature, these fragments will grow into new colonies. Coral achieves this by creating clones of themselves, clones they are capable of generating since they are embryos. This means it’s entirely natural to frag your coral.

Keep these tips and this knowledge in mind when you consider using CA glue for your fragging, after all experimenting is good to get you to try the practice in the first place, but too much can lead to disaster.

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