I love my Starbond! Use it religiously for things most people wouldn't even think of such as CNC project hold down instead of using clamps that just get in the way. There is a product for every purpose and you shouldn't confuse one for the other. Do your research and find the product you need for the task at hand. If you have questions, these guys have a phenomenal support team to answer all your questions very promptly!
Todd W.
Starbond products save me a lot of time and effort when making projects for my business. This has made a significant increase in my profits. Thank you Starbond!
Daniel D.
The thin works great to seal small cracks and to stabilize punky wood spots and amazing inlays. Truly works amazing on my wood turnings
Great stuff for sealing wood that is prone to cracking. I dribble it on the outside of turned wood bowls, leaving the inside unsealed so the moisture can be released. After several weeks, I seal the inside with CA. First coat is the thin CA which penetrates the wood fibers. Second coat is medium Starbond to produce a shiny sealed finish. Photo is of a macadamia nut bowl sealed with Starbond. This wood is notorious for cracking. So far no problems with this piece.
Kit B.
Have used Em02 for many years. Always works extremely well. I use my starbond mainly to mend petrified wood that I process. When the specimens are polished the starbond also polishes.
This epoxy fills the need when the area to be filled is too big for super glue and you don’t have time for typical resin to cure. It helped a lot during a recent table and bench build.
I used super glue on foam in the past, finding out it melts it. Then I found out Starbond sells a glue that can be used on foam without melting it, it works good, I hope they make a gel version. Cus there thin is runny, A gel version would stay in place better on waterproof foam…
Many of the peices I make or turn, have inclusions and the black super clue matches the dark spots, well...spot on. The only issue I have is if I am not carerful, the black stains the surrounding light wood.
Microtips improve my bowl turning by allowing me to “chase” cracks. When a crack appears in a bowl blank I use Starbond Medium Thick CA Glue with a microtip to deep-fill the crack before I continue. I can then turn ‘through” that layer to clear wood without a chunk flying off the lathe and damaging the bowl’s (or my own) profile. Highly recommend Starbond Microtips. FIVE stars.
First off I love the ca glue! However I’m disappointed to see that there’s no longer a straight cap on the bottles. Even to store has a pour tip.. I’ve had issues with the bottles that are like this in the past of the tip breaking off. Not a deal breaker but will make me consider other brands in the future.
The Starbond super glues are an integral part of my wood working. From temporarily holding pieces to filling small holes, I couldn’t achieve my results without it.